
Thursday 10 November 2011

Jay Chou "水手怕水" Review

With his 11th album coming out tomorrow (11/11/11) Jay Chou has decided to unleash his third MV to his fans. The song, titled "水手怕水" (loosely translated as "Sailor scared of water"), is a fun and playful track. Watching it for the first time I was immediately captured by the colourful background effects, the theme and was in awe at how young Jay looks again. Many people, I am sure, will undoubtedly criticise this song on it's simplistic nature, but I see no wrong in that at all! Such playfulness of melody and ideas is what Taiwan was really known for, especially in the dramas, and Jay has successfully transferred that into his music. The track is light and playful, which gives it a fresh and fun feeling. 

I love it.

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