
Monday 31 October 2011

Jay Chou "Mine Mine"

One of Jay Chou's upcoming new tracks have been released with a 720p music video on Youtube - and I am melting. Firstly it is his first ever song with an English title, and this is the kind of thing I was expecting in his upcoming 11th album; a somewhat copy of the spreading Hallyu wave with the high budget music video and electronic voice. I read a comment somewhere he was copying Lollipop F with his style, and in honesty he kind of is. But nevertheless, my bias opinion still sees Jay Chou as a hero, still keeping the title King of Pop. The track is so new and fresh and I love it so much, you have to just listen to the track and disregard the music video just to get the feel he wanted across - the music video doesn't do this track justice!

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