
Friday 26 August 2011


'Once you try on a pair of Uggs and feel in the inner softness no other shoe will feel the same'

I never used to believe that but now I so do, luckily by working for UGG AUSTRALIA I get a free pair of shoes to wear, so I tried them. They are extremelyyyyyy comfy and because I opted for a more casual style I can wear them to most places. I feel so happy they were free as well, because they would have cost me £205....which I don't have the money for lol.

Wednesday 24 August 2011


This week I have been eagerly going to my internship at Barbara Weiss Architects. My boss is such an amazing woman and she is the nicest person in the world. She takes me on little whizzes around central London in her little red, shiny italian Fiat. Sick times =]

The only thing I don't really like out of all this are the times after work. To be honest I just bail out the office when the clock ticks onto 6pm, a bit like Neil in the Inbetweeners film, and rush home (no snogging with a blonde chick at the door). So it takes around an hour to get home and I swear, once you do all your mind thinks of is to eat, shower and sleep. Seriously, like that's the only thing you wanna do after you come back from a long day at work, and it sucks.

Honestly I feel like staying at school for a longer period, because it is so chilled and relaxed compared to the working world, hands down.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Breaking the ice!

I thought I might start off this blog with a little introduction about myself.

So hi.

This isn't the first time I've started a blog like this, in the past I have tried several times and in the end it all seemed to stop. Maybe because I gave up, or I ran out of things to say which were specific to those blogs. Well, whatever the reason I don't care anymore and this is an attempt to start afresh. This new (and hopefully interesting) blog will be about me me me, as annoying as that sounds it will be a culmination of my activities, random thoughts and anything that might stimulate your minds when reading/looking at my posts. This is all I'm going to say, oh, and just to add my favourite artist is Jay Chou, if you don't know already...